Zion Art Podcast

Brad Teare discusses LeConte Stewart and Illustrating for Church Magazines

In this episode, we speak with Brad Teare, an LDS artist who has done everything from oil paints to wood block prints to illustrating and editing the Friend Magazine. He shares how the venerated Utah artist, LeConte Stewart has influenced him and also shares some interesting information about how art plays a role in church publications. 

LeConte Stewart (American, 1891-1990) Autumn’s Gold, Harvey’s Pond (1929) Oil on canvas. 24 x 28 in. LDS Church History Museum, Salt Lake City.

LeConte Stewart (American, 1891-1990) Autumn’s Gold, Harvey’s Pond (1929) Oil on canvas. 24 x 28 in. LDS Church History Museum, Salt Lake City.

Brad Teare, Saddle Ridge (2016). Oil on Canvas. 24 x 24 in. Available at Anthony's Fine Art, Salt Lake City.

Brad Teare, Saddle Ridge (2016)Oil on Canvas. 24 x 24 in. Available at Anthony's Fine Art, Salt Lake City.